Negatives and slides can be returned to a lab and have prints made from them but cropping of negatives and slides is very difficult, even impossible without a professional lab. This includes color photos as prints of the films made in black and white classic thang enlarger can crop and edit. Not as easily as pictures in digital form but without major problems. There is also a problem of old photos (prints), which have been scratched, or other damage. Traditional retouching (ie, brush and pencil) of such images and doing znich copy a job for professionals with adequate equipment and with no artistic talent. Today, this technique probably is not used.
A universal solution to these problems is to scan film or photographs preźrocza, or processing it into a digital file. A picture or a negative in digital form we can freely manipulate, improve, or modify a program for processing image files. For a digital file storzenia need is a scanner and the problem is that the market there are hundreds of models of different companies and have to choose among them one that will be most useful for our needs and the needs are essentially two.
Development of print, or opaque material and for this purpose, we can buy a scanner only to opaque materials. Such scanners are relatively cheap but does not allow you to scan film and slides.
Development of films, or transparent materials, and for this purpose are scanners especially for movies only. Such scanners are much more expensive than those from the point first and they can not scan photos or document opaque.
For the amateur, the best solution is to buy a universal scanner that
in principle, is designed for scanning opaque materials, but is a snap to place video or slides and scan mode transparent materials.