Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Help for pets

Coming into Christmas this year I want to do something for pets in rescue/foster care etc and was wondering would any of you like to come on board with this idea.

What can be done for poor animals in shelters? I've seen great stuff people do on Facebook with posting pictures of animals waiting to be adopted. This way everyone can help. Even if you can't adopt a dog or a cat yourself. Maybe one of your friends will?

I've also seen people collecting not money but cat/dog food on the streets, or outside supermarkets. Just think how much our home pets eat and how little is needed to help a homeless animal. Food for thought:)


  1. I am a big supporter of my local no-kill shelter. I donate every month (just a little) and after my pug died, I started doing the same thing for the pug rescue. Even $10 a month helps :) I wish I could adopt everyone I saw though---breaks my heart each time I see a homeless pet :(

  2. Thanks for sharing Felicia, I wish I could help more pets too..


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